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by Eva St. Clair April 09, 2019 1 min read

The response to our crowdfunding campaign was absolutely amazing! We fully funded in a single day, and all of the Debut Collection fully funded within 36 hours. 

That kind of support has made it possible for us to fast-track three additional designs for our long sleeve raglan shirt collection.  Instead of releasing them in late November, we are offering them now as part of our crowdfunding campaign.  

We are delighted to be able to offer our three additional designs at 20% off for the remaining duration of the campaign. Each of the designs has a product goal of $5,000.  If a product reaches its goal, we will release it along with the Debut Collection in October.

You can easily add any or all of the new designs on to existing pre-orders - just place a second order and we will automatically combine orders going to the same address. 

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Also in Updates

"Boy, Wonder" and the Search for a Perfect Brand Name
"Boy, Wonder" and the Search for a Perfect Brand Name

by Eva St. Clair May 01, 2019 2 min read 1 Comment

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